
Rune RhythmsRuneRhythms was conceived in October, 1994 and developed during the following months. It needed to be an all new set of symbols,. with totally mew divinations directed at the struggle and on-going issues facing women in their daily quests. Wit two exceptions, the runes are named for our foremothers. In their many diverse ways, they contributed much to the world in which we live, and through their sacrifices paved the way for future generations of women to find their secular and sacred space.

Apart from the two exceptions, the names chosen for the runes are the names of women who have crossed over leaving us a legacy of personal power, understanding, courage, compassion and woman-spirit.

croneOne exception to this group is the Cronestone, corresponding in the traditional runic set to the Unknown or the Abyss. This rune is named for an extant woman, Arminta Neal, who embodies all the above characteristics in her daily life, and who we feel should be honored in her lifetime. The other exception is Gala, our choice to represent spirituality.

It is our intention with the biographical paragraph that follows the title of each rune, that the reader have enough information to further research any of the women whose names have been used. This short bi-sketch is a minuscule part of their legacy, and we encourage you, as you study, to become more familiar with them. There are many women of equal importance, and probably dozens that the reader could recommend. The choice of the 24 women used was difficult at best, and was decided upon through much deliberation.     The symbols used in the set are the result of a great deal of meditation and discussion regarding their meanings and shapes.

The interpretation of each rune is based on a combination of meditation and study, along with many hours of rumination about each one. The subject of each rune was derived through conversations with women from all walks of life, with spiritual leaders and women who teach classes on women’s spirituality.

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