This process can be very effective. Each day draw a single rune. Perhaps you prefer to draw once each week or month instead of every day.

Usage: Pick a single rune. Place it face down. Meditate over it before you turn it over. Write down which one it  is. Study both the positive and the negative aspects. Set yourself a time limit. Try to understand how it effects all areas of your life. Speculate and philosophize on why this particular rune has come to you at this time. See how it correlates with the pre-formulated question. what is the lesson? Record it all in your journal.

Note: You may place the used rune back in the bag making it available for the next time you draw, or you may want to keep it out as a reminder. Either way you will have interesting readings. If you choose to return the rune to the bag and you draw it again, you are being reminded of a situation that needs your utmost attention. Another way to use the single rune method is to draw for someone else or have them draw for you. Remember however, that when another’s energies are involved you add another dimension to the reading.

This layout can be used In conjunction with any other layout in this book as a means of enhancing and deepening We intensity of the interpretation being given. This single one should be drawn after the other reading and used as outcome or confirmation Or the answers again.