Spirit Stones


These are individually chosen stones with hand-painted designs. All have been chosen based on their smoothness, color or size.
The designs available are:

1) bison
2) lizard
) Shaman
4) cougar
5) leaves
6) moon and stars
7) bighorn sheep
8) human footprints
9) wolf.

Not suitable for fountains or in water.  These work beautifully as stones to be carried in a pouch or used in a zen sand garden.

SKU: N/A Category:

These are individually chosen stones with hand-painted designs. All have been chosen based on their smoothness, color or size.
The designs available are:

1) bison
2) lizard
) Shaman
4) cougar
5) leaves
6) moon and stars
7) bighorn sheep
8) human footprints
9) wolf.

Not suitable for fountains or in water.  These work beautifully as stones to be carried in a pouch or used in a zen sand garden.